- Roofing Elgin IL
Roofing Elgin IL
Website URL for Sale:
What city/state is the site in?
Elgin, IL
Is the site GMB verified?
Asking price?
Will You Accept Reasonable Offers?
What is the name on the GMB?
Number of citations?
Number of pages of content?
If the site is ranked on page one, for what keywords?
Roofing Elgin, Elgin Roofing, Roofer Elgin, Roof Replacement Elgin, Roof Inspection Elgin, Roof Repair Elgin, Roof Installation Elgin
How much monthly income does the site produce?
Average # Of Leads a Month
Currently about 10. Should increase in the warmer months.
Is the site fully built with content, citations, and influence?
Fully Built and Ranked
Is Your Tracking Number in CallSling?
Why Are You Selling The Website?
My life circumstances recently changed and I no longer have time to put toward obtaining a client and managing this lead gen. The site is good however and is generating regular calls.