- oahutowingcompany.com
Will You Accept Reasonable Offers?
What is the name on the GMB?
Oahu Towing Company
Number of citations?
Number of pages of content?
If the site is ranked on page one, for what keywords?
Oahu towing, Hawaii towing, Honolulu towing, (and all relevant keywords for the major cities)
How much monthly income does the site produce?
Was $600
Average # Of Leads a Month
Is the site fully built with content, citations, and influence?
Fully Built and Ranked
Is Your Tracking Number in CallSling?
Why Are You Selling The Website?
I've had a client for the website for about six years. He had some personal issues, and I had to let him go as a client.
Since then, I have moved to Seattle, working on a few other businesses here. I'm not super motivated to sell it because I did have a plan to open my own tow truck operation there. But, if someone is interested in taking it off of my hands at this moment, I'll be willing to let it go.
As you'll see, it's aged, ranks well in many of the major cities, and branded.
Let me know if you have any questions.